Project 3: chirouter

In this project you will be implementing a simple IP router capable of routing IPv4 datagrams between multiple networks. This router will have a static routing table, so you will not have to deal with implementing a routing protocol like RIP or OSPF; instead, the project will focus on the routing of IP datagrams. While, at a high level, this just involves receiving IP datagrams and figuring out what interface they should be sent on, this requires building additional functionality before you can actually start routing IP datagrams.

Please refer to the following documents to complete this project:

Take into account that this project requires using a network simulator that needs to be run with root privileges on a Linux machine. For students using Windows or Mac, we provide a Docker container that you can use to run the network simulator on your computer ()

Submission Timeline

This project has one required submission, and an optional resubmission:



Due Date

Project 3

chirouter (entire project)

Wednesday, May 15th, 8pm

Resubmission (Optional)

You may submit a revised version to improve your Completeness score only

Friday, May 24th, 8pm

Please see Project 3 rubric for more details on how each submission will be graded.

Initializing your Project 3 Repository

Make sure that you have read the Getting Started page as well as the the Project Registration instructions.

One-time setup instructions

Only one team member needs to run these commands. Create an empty directory and, inside that directory run the following commands. In the commands below, $REPO_URL refers to the SSH URL of your repository. To get this URL, log into GitHub and navigate to your project repository. Then, under “Quick setup — if you’ve done this kind of thing before”, make sure the “SSH” button is selected, and copy the URL that appears next to it. It should look something like this:

git init
git remote add origin $REPO_URL
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream main
git push -u origin main

Cloning instructions

Once the repository has been set up, you can clone the repository in other locations as follows:

git clone $REPO_URL
git remote add upstream