CMSC 22000 - Introduction to Software Development

Course Staff


Borja Sotomayor (

Course Description

This class expands on the software development topics introduced in CMSC 14200 Introduction to Computer Science 2, and uses the development of web-based applications as a vehicle to explore several concepts that reoccur frequently in modern software development, such as client/server software, databases, data modeling, APIs, software deployment, and software observability. This class also emphasizes how software development is a highly collaborative activity, where certain skills, like effective communication and the ability to give/receive feedback, can be key to the success of a software project.

The class covers foundational topics in software development in lectures, and will involve the development of a deployable web application throughout a series of homeworks. The course also features a collaborative quarter-long project, where the entire class, divided into teams with specific responsibilities, will work on developing new features for an existing software system.

Please see the syllabus for more details.

If you are registered for CMSC 22000, coursework for this class can be accessed through our Canvas site. This is a public-facing website for students and others interested in learning more about the class.